Friday 2 May 2008

Module Evaluation...The end is nigh!!

I have now finished my blog and have done all that I can do in the pursuit of an A grade! I now have to complete a module evaluation in the shape of a questionnaire, which is below. I hope that anybody who has read my blog has enjoyed it, and would like to think that I will continue with a blog after this module has ended, as I have really enjoyed it!

26 (27 in 4 days time!)



What is your degree subject (both if joint)?

Social Care & Social Policy

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?

Sort of in a broad way!

If so, how? And if not, why not?

I suppose it kind of related to the philosophy module I have recently finished called critical thinking, as the being bad module encouraged you to be open minded, and perhaps think differently about certain subjects, and to come of out your comfort zone on your opinions

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?

I've actually enjoyed this module more than any of the other 7 that I have done so far! It is certainly not easy as the blog in itself is time consuming. The grading criteria to get an A for the blog is 20 posts and 5 comments. With all of those posts you have to research your subject, include a picture, include a link, and then read everyone else's blogs to find something to comment on!The 20 posts is very time consuming to do this, and has been an almost daily maintenance! The two other pieces were OK to do too!

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?

Yes. They are all classed as bad behaviour to a certain extent so they were all relevant

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Prostitution would be a good one, and if we are looking at bad behaviour in every day life, perhaps a class on abuse or domestic violence, which would certainly raise awareness and provoke discussion, as it is a hard subject for most to comprehend, and domestic violence is very common. Serial killers would also be great to look at, especially seen as though I have a morbid curiosity in devouring as much detail as I can about them!!

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?

I think so for the most part, but some of the constant chatter was annoying at times

What did you think of the module team?

The module team were all good. I particularly liked the teaching style of two of the module tutors. The guy that did bad cinema was good as he took no messing from the class and everything was relevant. I also liked the guy who did the outlaws and bandits lecture. Although a lot of the bandits were way before my time and I would have liked to have seen more on modern day gangsters, the tutor seemed a lovely guy who was very approachable. The class that particular week were very rude and at least 15 people walked out. Talking was really loud and the bloke looked really embarrassed. I thought he was a great teacher who in the face of a lot of disrespect, did really well in presenting what he wanted to say. I was ashamed that week on behalf of all of the disrespectful people in the room, and think the man deserved a medal for his patience, manners and presentation. With the lady, Meena (I think?) I struggled to hear her as she wasn't very loud, and I was sat at the front, but to be honest, all of the tutors were good and were all confident in what they were teaching us (Another rant at the ignorant people in class I know, but I'm entitled to my opinion on my own blog ain't I?)

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Information and talk from lecturers?

I think the group discussions are a better idea as when there were small group discussions, they lasted far too long and the majority of them weren't even relating to the topic of that weeks lecture! The information and talk from lecturers was good, and anything that I missed or needed further clafication on was on wolf anyway.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?

Yes, because the module needs to appeal to students from all courses. It was broad ranging and incorporated every day life topics too, so, although I cannot speak for everybody, i found it quite versatile in who it related to

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?

Yes because in every degree, there are cross-overs with Politics, Philosophy, English etc, so it gives you a bit of a basis in most subjects, and may even highlight a subject area that perhaps you would wish to pursue at a later date

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?

Definitely. I enjoyed the whole module and have found some information to be beneficial in other areas of my study, especially in the critical thinking module

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?

Yes. If all modules were like this one, I would be in my element! It is a much better learning style for me and appeals a lot better that stuffy lectures with boring essays at the end of it!

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Unfortunately not as it was not on offer on my course guide, so I have already selected my modules for next semester. If the workload wasn't so great in my other modules though I would do this one for fun as I've enjoyed it immensely!

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
The answer to this one is evident! A resounding YES!!!

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?

I have absolutely loved it and am going to be gutted if I do not get my A grade now!!! I have put a lot of time and effort into it and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. It was slightly difficult to think of loads of different subjects to write's a good job that we live in such a bad society that supplies us with ideas! I wish all modules allowed blogs! I'd be enjoying my degree a lot more if they did!

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?

I quite enjoyed having the option of being able to choose what type of work I submitted if I'm honest. I enjoyed doing the creative writing piece although struggled with my rationale to accompany it. The rationale criteria was vast and 300 words was not enough to cover all of the criteria that we were given to work to. I also enjoyed the essay. I didn't find the two pieces too demanding due to them both being short and submitted them both early, so it is certainly manageable!

What have you learned from the module?

That I am open minded and virtually unshockable! I've also made some great friends along the way which is a bonus.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?

I've enjoyed every part of it. None of it is useful information as such, due to these types of bad behaviour being in the media eye on an almost daily basis, but it is all good to know, and the classes were great in give us debating skills! Our social policy module encourages debate and I find it a really interesting skill to be able to debate, argue logically, and listen to other poeple's opinions!

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?

I don't really think any parts of the module were a waste of time. There were no particular subjects were I turned up and wished I hadn't! Some of the people in the room were a waste of time, purely because they had no interest in listening to the lecturer, but their loss, not mine! I don't want to expand too much further on this point!

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?

That I have really enjoyed the module! I hope that for future reference, these questionnaires are put to good use, especially the feedback on what we thought worked and didn't work. That would be great for future students of the module.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Bad Behaviour - Benidorm!!!

I just have to do a posting on Benidorm…my absolute favourite TV programme at the moment! It is currently on the second series and is about 3 – 4 weeks into series 2 for anybody that hasn’t been watching it. It is on ITV on a Friday night at 9pm (For anyone out there that is like me…sad enough to be sat in watching telly on a Friday night!). If you haven’t seen it, please watch it…it is really funny and I just love it!

Funnily enough, following on from my last post on the abuse of electric scooters, there is a character called Madge in the show who hires a scooter every year, even though she is able bodied and has no mobility problems at all! She hires it because “She is on holiday and doesn’t see why she shouldn’t make use of the free facilities!”

The reason I mention this programme is because it covers some of the bad behaviour modules that we have looked at, and also covers one of my pet hates…mobility scooters! Plus, I just wanted to say how fabulous the show is, and promote it to all of you out there that hasn’t seen it yet!

A few examples of bad behaviour in series one was teen pregnancy, binge drinking, adul
tery, bullying, benefit fraud and swinging to name just a few! This second series is also proving quite eventful and is a definite to watch…lots of bad behaviour on offer!!! The storylines are really hilarious and I really hope that ITV keep making the show

Has anybody else watched it/been watching it? What are your thoughts?

I have enclosed a link to the website here where there is a cast list, a previews option to watch video clips, and an overview of what’s happened so far…have a read and start watching it now…its not too late to catch up! The photos on my blog page of my favourite characters in the show!

Monday 28 April 2008

Bad Behaviour - Mobility Scooters!

I just have to do a posting on yet another of my pet hates……mobility scooters!

It seems that wherever you go lately, you are dodging mobility scooters. They are everywhere and the people on them are just so ignorant that it is unbelievable.

It seems that these days, anybody can get one. Let’s face it, with petrol prices, car tax an
d car insurance being so expensive is it any wonder that the numbers of these on the streets are increasing? You can get a top of the range scooter for around £2000, and you do not have to insure it, tax it, fill it with petrol, or spend a fortune maintaining it with MOT’s. They are not exactly going to set speed records but at 8 miles and hour, they can get you around quicker than walking. It also means that you don’t have to bother waiting for buses or taxis…just ride home! I can see why people are having these things, especially as a cheaper alternative transport than your own car or relying on public transport.

However, the main reason for this entry is that just about anybody can get one of thes
e things and I find that wrong. There are no clear guidelines as to who can buy them, so all of the lazy gits out there are just buying one to save walking. I think it bad that these idiots are zooming around without a care in the world on them. They are called mobility scooters and were designed to give independence to people without mobility. A lot of the people that I see on these things are able bodied and can park up and walk whenever they need to.

It also seems that as soon as you sit on one of these things you are king or queen of the road and nobody can get in your way. Manners seem to go out of the window when driving one of these. I do not have a problem with people who genuinely have mobility problems being on one of these. It is just a shame that the idle have cottoned on to this cheaper method of transport and are spoiling it for the genuine users. It is this idiot behaviour and bad manners that is getting mobility scooters a bad name.

Not only this but it is also getting hard to get in any shops or near any shop displays as there are scooters everywhere! I am hoping for tougher Laws on who these can be sold to some time soon!!!!!!! Get these lazy idiots off our streets!!!

Has anybody else noticed the rising amount of scooters on the streets?

I am including a link to a story that draws attention to the fact that these scooters are a nuisance and are causing injuries along the way

Comment 6: Linda's Blog2 Blog

My response/comment on Linda J Collins's blog (Linda's Blog2) regarding the posting on Internet Dating. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

Linda asked the question of whether the Internet is a good or bad place to meet people. My answer...yes and no! I have never been on one of these sites so do not know the format apart from what I have seen on TV or heard of in newspapers, through friends or on the radio. More often than not I have seen Internet dating sites advertised as a sort of chat room. This is good for those that have difficulty making friends, are housebound, or even really shy. I suppose for some it is a link to the outside world and a way of feeling like they can belong and have no inhibitions. I don't think it is wrong to Internet date, however, there are a lot of nutcases out there so it is important not to give out too much information. I think it is always best to use your judgement and common sense in deciding whether to meet up with someone. Be prepared for the person you meet not to be like the person in the photograph! I have seen on TV that a lot of people hide behind the computer and create a fantasy land, but more often than not, the photograph and alter ego they create is nowhere near like them at all! There is a sinister side of these dating sites and chat rooms, as displayed on panorama not so long back. They can be used by paedophiles to groom young children. I think that if you ever do think that meeting up with somebody is sensible, use your head and ensure that you tell a friend where you are going and who with. That way, if you fall into trouble, somebody knows where you are. I think that the Internet has the potential to be a really useful tool...if used with caution and common sense. I don't think that it would ever be for me should I ever find myself single. I personally would rather go out and meet somebody and hope that fate bring us together...not search for someone in a chat room!

Monday 21 April 2008

Comment 5: XBeing Bad Blog

My response/comment on Linda J Tilleys blog (XBeing Bad) regarding the posting on "not quite a technophobe, but dazed and confused!!. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

I read the posting and found it great!! Don't will soon get there with the Internet/typing and all of the terminology used these days! Being a mature student and parent as well I know where you are coming from and emphasise! Stick with it though!!

Regarding cyber bullying though, that is a horrible but very real issue. With technology getting flasher by the day, there are newer ways for bullies to work. This does not only include the Internet but also mobile phones. There has been loads of items on the news lately about happy slapping too, which is where bullying is recorded on a mobile phone to show off with to others. Something definitely needs to be done about happy slapping and bullying through the Internet and mobile phones. Kids are getting more violent it seems, with gangs being seen as cool. Kids carrying weapons is a common thing. I'm frightened that kids are in the news for killing other kids, and even adults, and when prosecuted, don't even show any remorse. We seem to have a nation of deviant, bullying kids, and I for one am scared as to what this means for my daughter when she starts school, and who she may hang around with

Sunday 20 April 2008

Comment 4: Being Bad 0 Blog

My response/comment on Venessa H Balls blog (Being Bad 0) regarding the posting on Youths being bad. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

I don't think you can actually pinpoint one specific reason as to why youths go bad and turn to crime. If I were to hazard a guess, I would imagine the most popular way to lead to crime would be peer pressure. Kids show off to one another and would perhaps go further and further with pushing the boundaries to fit in or look cool. Say for instance if you speak to a kid whilst with their friends, you would maybe get a funny look or swore at, but if you were to approach that kid whilst they were on their own, you would probably get a different response. I think other things may be factors in this too, such as alcohol or drugs, but sometimes, it is merely just for acceptance. I don't think it is always the parents fault. As a parent myself, myself and my partner try to instill decency, manners and respect in our daughter, and would always hope that she grows up to be responsible, grounded and respectful of others and her surroundings. However, with all the will in the world, you cannot watch over your child all day and they can mix in the wrong circles. Some kids do have parents that do not bother with them and let them run wild, but this isn't a common thing I shouldn't think. Prosecuting the parents isn't the answer unless they are blatantly encouraging their child to behave in a particular fashion. My parents bought me up to be a decent person, but I caused them many a sleepless night, and many times they had to bring me cigarettes to the police station because I was being held overnight! My parents are decent and hardworking and did their best by me and my siblings. Most parents are ashamed and mortified by a child's bad behaviour and would do anything they can to stop it. I suppose that you just have to hope that they will grow out of it before they do any serious harm, and that they grow wise to their so called "friends" and move away from all of that. There does seem to be an epidemic lately of kids killing kids and gang shootings. This is outrageous and you cannot understand why kids are on the streets at all hours carrying weapons. I think that perhaps gangster movies, television and video games are slightly to blame as they do tend to glorify weapons. ASBO's should be scrapped because they are just laughable and are seen as badges of honour...they guarantee you acceptance in some circles, and then you have to live up to you title and continue with the behaviour that led you to getting an asbo in the first place! The justice system is also laughable, especially young offenders institutes. There is so much freedom in those places; you get a tv, games room, and are out integrating with the other offenders most of the day. It really is like a youth centre and a social networking place more than everything. Perhaps if the sentences were harsher and the young offenders place or like an adult prison, that may serve as a deterrent. Ask most kids though and you will get the same response....I wont go to prison cos I'm too young...They will let me off with a caution. Maybe harsher action is called for, and a few examples need to be made of some kids

Saturday 19 April 2008

Comment 3: Being a little bad blog

My response/comment on Denise Williams Blog (Being a little bad) regarding the posting on taking your own life. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

I do not agree with suicide in any instant. It is the most selfish thing anybody can do in my opinion. Somebody has to find the body hanging. Somebody has to clean up the pavement when the body hits the ground from a bridge or tower block. Somebody has to find the body of a druggie with a needle in their arm, or empty bottles of tablets all over the place. Very selfish indeed. OK, so life has got so bad that the only option seems to be suicide. There are so many institutions and helplines available if you sink to the bottom of despair. Nobody is alone in the world. We all have somebody, and leaving them is selfish. I would loose any respect I had ever had in that person if I found a friend or family member had killed themselves. It would make me realise that they never really loved me or valued my friendship if they couldn't have stayed for me or talked to me about how they were feeling. The psychological damage as well to the person that finds the body, especially hanging which I find vile, must be immense. It is OK for the dead person because their suffering is over, but the suffering and trauma for the unlucky person that discovered the body is ongoing and something you would never forget.

Denise at one point in her blog says that she finds people that can take their own life courageous? I certainly disagree. Each to their own where opinions are concerned, but I'm sure the family of the 7 teenagers in Bridgend, South Wales that killed themselves last year in a short space of time wouldn't think it a courageous act...I'm sure they would rather have alive cowards than dead courageous kids?

Friday 18 April 2008

Comment 2: Becky's Being Bad Blog

My response/comment on Rebecca J Farrs blog (Becky's Being Bad Blog) regarding the posting on religion and ethics. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

The story about Emma Gough, the Jehovahs witness that refused a blood transfusion on religious grounds and dies following the birth of her twins was tragic. As a mother, I would do anything for my daughter, and sometimes, if I imagine dying and leaving her, it really fills me with major upset, and fear for her growing up without a mother. I just couldn't do it. I'd rather go against my religious beliefs and stay with my daughter. How could Emma Gough put religion before her own children and family? It is selfish, and if that level of selfishness that religion instills in you, then I'd rather not be religious. I personally am not religious at all, but would support my daughter should she choose to follow a religion. It is sad really because Emma was only 22 years old, she was recently married, and had the world at hr feet with two beautiful children. The kids will never know their mom, and may grow up thinking that she put religion before them. How can you love your religion more than your children? I find it really difficult to comprehend this story because I'm not religious and could never imagine being so into a religion that it comes first.

I read Becky's blog and found that she broached the subject really well, and looked at it objectively. I cannot do this as I just love my daughter more than life, and couldn't imagine her growing up without a mommy!

Comment 1: Being Bad Blog

My response/comment on Claire Evans blog (Being Bad?) regarding the posting on speeding. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

I totally agree that there is no need to speed. I myself am a driver and every day is filled with more impatient people in a rush to go nowhere. I drive pretty much every day, am just turning 27 and passed my test at 17. I really used to enjoy driving when I first started 10 years ago, but no, I find it a chore. You are dicing with death every time you get in a car these days, and I have noticed the changes on the roads over the last few years.

The thing is, what reason is there to be speeding? OK, so you may be running late. Pull over and phone that person to tell them..I am sure they would understand. I'm sure that it is better to get there in one piece that to not get there at all. The government are doing OK from it as they get revenue from speed cameras, but do you realise that if a speed camera is there, there has had to have been 5 fatalities on that road to get that camera? The speed cameras are there because five fatalities have happened...this is the criteria that you have to meet before one is put up. I think that as well as being fined and having points on your licence, you should be made to meet the family of somebody that was killed by a speeder, to see the effects it has had on that family

I personally think that there is nothing worse than seeing flowers and photographs taped to lamp posts at the side of the road. It is generally because somebody was in a rush, and got killed.

Just think....don't speed. You are not only endangering your own life, but also that of other innocent drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

Childhood Obesity

Walking through Wolverhampton today, I saw the fattest kid ever! It was disgusting and he must have only been about 3 years old. The mother was stood talking to her friend and chugging away on a cigarette. Her friend was doing the same with her thinner child in the pram drinking a bottle of coke! What is the world coming to? How can parents let their children eat such rubbish. I myself have a young daughter and she does have chocolate and crisps, but she is given them in moderation, and only if she eats her food first. She has all of her food home cooked by me and does not have fizzy drinks. My daughter is at the level that she should be with development and is a happy child who does not have tantrums. She is just as happy eating an apple or banana...myself and my partner have raised our daughter to think of fruit as a treat instead of chocolate.

Looking at some children, there is just no need for them to be so fat. I blame the parents as a child cannot make its own choices as to what to eat or drink when under the age of 3. Children learn from example and if they are given these kinds of food and drink at a young age, they develop a taste for it and expect to be given it every day. I personally think that these parents are putting their child's health at serious risk, and they should be prosecuted for child abuse. They are abusing their child in giving it such junk food. I am not naive in thinking that perhaps some children have an underlying medical problem, or may be have a very slow metabolism, but that would not account for the amount of overweight children there currently are.

Childhood obesity is a rapid growing problem. I know that for older children it is harder to control what they eat, as they can make their own choice as to how to spend their allowance, and they can reach to get in the cupboards or fridge. Younger children have no excuse, and if the government or health authority starting prosecuting the parents, perhaps the problem would be reduced and stopped at an earlier age. Even adults are getting bigger, and i read lot about people saying that they do not have the will power to diet, and plump for the easy option of a stomach stapling or a gastric bypass. This is not the answer...if you got yourself fat, surely you can get yourself thin? I certainly don't agree with the NHS funding these operations either. Obesity puts extra strain on health and the taxpayers foot the bill for somebody elses weakness. I personally think that if you are a self abuser, IE, you over eat or are addicted to drugs, smoking or alcohol, you should have to fund your own health care for any illnesses related to this. That way perhaps there would be less people trapped in addictions. I don't think it fair that the NHS is available to all, especially when taxpayers are effectively funding this.

I have enclosed a link to the government website, where the "every child matters" white paper has set out how to tackle this problem

What are you thoughts on this?

Sunday 6 April 2008

Littering, Tipping, Spitting, Gum & Dog Mess!!!!

This blog entry is about my five absolute pet hates in life! I'm really gonna rant now! This is bad behaviour at its best! I will get this all over and done with in one entry so that any readers of my blog don't think that I walk round disapproving of everything! I promise that I am not one of those saddos that writes into my local papers' letters page about everything and anything!! (Although, I do read them and do get amusement from some of them!)

Why oh why do people drop litter on our streets? There are bins everywhere lately, and even if there arn't, could you not just put it in your pocket until you get home or pass a bin? Future generations will be living in a dirty world with unsafe littered streets being the norm. I know that a lot of blame lies with manufacturing companies that sell their products in unnecessary packaging but surely if we all did our bit to put things in the bin, or recycle where possible we would be fighting half of the battle? Recyclable items should be recycled. It doesn't take up much of your time to pop a tin or glass in a recycle box, rather than just tossing it in the bin, and will help reduce the massive landfill sites that we currently have on this country.

Anybody else have any views on this? If you are unsure of what is recyclable and what isn't, check the following link.

You are driving through the beautiful countryside when all of a sudden you spot a pile of somebody else's unwanted rubbish. Or you walk through the park and find an old bicycle or armchair. Fly tipping is becoming more and more common. If an item is of no use to me, I put it in my car and drive with it to my local civic amenity site. I then leave it in the correct area and drive home. Although we have a park that is nearer than the tip, I choose to keep the park exactly as it should be. OK, I understand that perhaps not everybody has a car and cannot access a tip. The council will collect certain types of rubbish from you in weekly/fortnightly collections. The local council will also drive out to collect old white goods and dispose of them on your behalf. You have charities that can regenerate your old computer and use it for disabled children. Local newspapers to advertise items for sale or free to anybody that doesn't have a lot of money. Charity shops that will send out a van to collect your items and sell them to raise money for worthy causes. The list is absolutely endless. There is no reason to tip at all. You are spoiling our beautiful landscape by doing this. Fly tipping is for the lazy and I hope that it weighs deeply on your mind whilst trying to sleep at night.

The following link details the growing problems faced because of fly tippers. What are your views on fly tipping?

I walk down the street and I play dodge the gob. It is more common than ever to see big gobfulls of spit everywhere you look. Footballers spit as they play football for 90 minutes, and I can only assume that this is where kids get it from. I find it absolutely disgusting. There is no need whatsoever to spit all over the streets. I walk through town and see so many people doing it that I think it is the new breathing. They do it without thinking and they think they look cool. isn't cool, it is disgusting and you just look like a dirty scanky slob!

Has anybody else noticed this growing epidemic? The following link is a letter to the local paper from another like minded person! I'm glad I'm not alone in this

If you arn't dodging the spit, you are dodging gum. OK, I know that most people these days chew it. I do myself, so it isn't gum I have a problem with. It is the fact that people drop it on the street, or stick it to furniture. Many a time I have to dodge gum whilst walking, or pushing my daughter in her pushchair. I hate having to come home and scrape it from my shoes or my daughters pushchair wheels. I know that you cannot put it in your pocket until you pass a bin, but if you keep the wrapper that you took the gum out of, you can wrap it in there and put it in your pocket or bag until you get to a bin? I especially hate those people that find it amusing to stick it to handrails on stairs, or furniture. That is just malicious...nobody wants to put their hand in a pile of somebody else saliva filled gum!

Does anybody wanna back me up on this?! The following link shows just what an expense gum causes to our local councils

and finally..........

If you are going to have one of these beautiful animals, is it so difficult to be responsible and clean up after it? When fetching your dogs lead to walk it, why not tuck a few carrier bags into the lead? Then put your hand in the bag, scoop, turn the bag inside out and put in a suitable bin. How difficult is that? Not very difficult at all, and saves having to dodge dog s**t as well as disease and all the flys that swarm!

Here is a link to a recent article covered by Inside out...all about dog mess!

and so, there it is! My rant at all that annoys me! I feel much better now for getting that off my chest! Any views?

Graffiti & Reckless Vandalism

Graffiti - Art or mess? Everywhere you look there is graffiti daubed across walls. My view? I like SOME of it! Not all of it of course! In all seriousness, I think some of it is art and looks brilliant. The expression, thought and personality that goes into some of the art that you see is fantastic. The talent of some of the artists is vast and sometimes, the art is befitting to the place and circumstances. However, messy spray painted tags, or kids that got bored and wrote their names on the wall is just ridiculous. Graffiti costs taxpayers millions each year. Some towns and cities have such a problem with graffiti that they allow it in designated areas. This is a fantastic idea, to have a wall that artists are free to paint. What are your thoughts? Art or rubbish?

Vandalism...Walking down the streets there are smashed up phone boxes and bus stops. This is all through either mindless boredom or asbo seeking idiots! Where is the fun in smashing the glass in a bus stop? As a parent to a child that wants to toddle everywhere, this is my worst nightmare. Glass everywhere, which is not only a danger to pedestrians in general but also, a massive cost to the local council to keep replacing it. I personally live in a nice area but we are prone to vandalism of late due to bored kids. In our street only last week some idiot kid painted a big white line down the side of 9 cars in the street, my partners' car being one of them. This kid has parents that resemble the family on shameless...the dregs of society that let their kids run wild whilst they run a pub and drink the profits. They have been in the area for 3 months and are under investigation by the brewery for allowing smoking in the pub, investigation by social services that are wanting to know why the 3 kids are never at school, and the police for spray painting 9 cars and kicking the mirror off 4 cars (mine being one of them). This module is called being bad. We are looking at bad behaviour. Believe me, meet this vile family and you will see it all!
We work hard for what we have and then you get some idiot that is bored or just out to cause trouble that wrecks it all. Public property is bad enough but when it is your own property, it is heartbreaking.

Have you ever been subjected to vandalism, or do you have any thoughts on it?

Thursday 3 April 2008

Alcohol Abuse - Binge Drinking

Ever been so drunk that the next day, you cannot remember what you did?

Cannot remember how you even got home?

I think that with the exception of perhaps one or two people, we can all say that we have all been there at some point in our lives!!!
Binge drinking is on the increase. Skipping school to drink 5 litre bottles of cheap cider which works out about 50p a litre is age old! This has been going on for years and is traditional I think! What is more shocking though, is although we expect it to always be youths that binge drink...we are wrong! Research shows that the main culprits are people in their late twenties and above.

Out and about, social drinking can lead you to having had 10 bottles of drink plus without even realising it. There is so much choice available in shops and bars now that there is something alcoholic for everybodys taste. In supermarkets, there are offers on drinks which encourage you to buy more. We have booze supermarkets with mega deals for those that buy a crate rather than a four pack of beer. Is it any wonder that people are binge drinking?

Alco-pops come in loads of lovely eye catching colours. Not only tempting you to buy them but appealing to kids too with their bright colours. Even tax increases on alcohol every year and the threat of pints costing £4 a pint in the not to distant future do not put people off drinking.

So what can be done? NOTHING is the answer. It is up to the individual to educate themselves and realise the danger that binge drinking is putting them in. There is a huge risk of liver damage, as well as the risk of having your drink spiked. When you are drunk you may forget where you are, relax into a crowd and let your vulnerability go. But, there are people waiting for you to do this and you are putting yourself at great risk of being sexually assaulted, mugged, abducted or worse, murdered. Your awareness of risk vanishes with every drink. The best thing you can try to do when going out drinking is to be aware of what you are drinking, keep drinks away from the risk of being spiked, always stay close to the people you are out with, and try to save money back for a taxi home.

The government are allowing binge drinking because they are coining it in with all of the extra revenue that the tax on alcohol brings. They allow this through allowing pubs 24 hour opening licenses.

The police are overworked through binge drinkers, and have to deal with the fall out and abuse that drunkards cause every night at kicking out time.

The implementation of alcohol fee areas in towns and cities is a great idea. On the spot fines will put some drinkers off drinking in these areas which can only make the streets safer. Although I like a drink every now and then, and have been there done that with binge drinking in the past, I hate to see a drunk staggering towards you in broad daylight with a can in their hand. It is nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. I also find that the number of chavs walking the streets with a can in their hand in the day is alarming. Why are they not at work? I'm glad that our taxes are paying their benefits to allow them to walk the streets drinking all day! They obviously have way too much time and money on their hands!

What are your thoughts on binge drinking?

The following link will show you the legal amounts of alcohol that you can have in your system.

I have also put a picture on this page of a diseased liver. This is a liver which has suffered abuse through alcohol, and it has legions all over it! Not pretty, but the good news is, the liver is one organ that can repair itself, so there is hope yet! (As long as you don't let it get to far gone!..Think what happened to George Best through drinking)

Sunday 30 March 2008


What is it that turns somebody towards prostitution? I think, after reading about prostitution, the most common factor is drugs. Women, children and occasionally men prostitute themselves to fund their habit. Not only are these people putting themselves in danger of violence, sexual attacks or even murder, they are also running the risk of contracting any number of STI's or even Hepatitis or HIV.

Prostitution is known as the oldest trade in the world. It is a big money business for pimps who supply prostitutes to meet demand.

This also involves human trafficking from other countries with not only adults, but underage children too. Prostitution not only keeps drug dealers in work, but also, people trafficking is on the increase because of it.

Traffickers take advantage of people who are looking for a better life, and maybe want to flee poverty, violence or war. Traffickers offer these people the promise of a better life and a passport. They are then smuggled into the country illegally, often in poor, cramped conditions and have their passports taken away. They are then pimped out to anybody that will pay for them. I found some really shocking information whilst researching this subject and it is horrendous to think that there are sickos out there that will take advantage of people like this.

Apparently, Prostitution in itself is apparently not illegal though? Did anybody else know that?

A few years ago, the government were on about supplying class A or class B drugs to addicts to stop them from selling their bodies or stealing. There was uproar about this, and the idea was soon scrapped.

However, when you think of the danger these women and children are put in every time they meet a stranger for sex, the idea of them being given the drug in a controlled and safe place does not seem so bad. I know a lot of people will just say that the addicts should be assisted to come off the drugs instead, but some people will not and will do anything to make money to feed their habit.

In 2007, 5 prostitutes were murdered by a man called Steve Wright in Suffolk. These women were all young women with one thing in common...drugs! They were all drug addicts and had all turned to prostitution to feed their habits. These five young beautiful women are now dead. If they had been offered help to get off the drugs, or help to obtain drugs and take them in a safe environment, would they still have been alive today?

Many will scoff at the idea and will say that the world has gone mad. Class A and B drugs are readily available on the street to anyone with the money to buy them. The drugs are often mixed with other chemicals so are not always safe drugs (not that any drugs are safe but some are cut cleanly and some arn't). The addicts that rely on drugs to get them through the day shoplift, commit burglary, mug, steal and prostitute themselves to get these drugs. The government were arguing that their drug taking could be controlled, and reduced over time to eventually quit. Yes, tax payers would have paid for this but then, tax payers currently pay for the above crimes committed by addicts anyway which would dramatically reduce if addicts could get their drugs for free.

Is this a good or a bad idea? I know this will be quite controversial as a subject but I'd love to know your thoughts on the government giving drugs to addicts to decrease crime.

Thursday 27 March 2008

Illegal Drugs - Heroin Addiction

I thought I would do a piece on drugs seen as though that is one of the subjects that we will be covering in this module.

Drugs cost the British Taxpayer millions a year through shoplifting, prison stays, as well as the more personal costs that burglary or mugging may bring to you. Drugs are readily available in every town and city, and drug dealers do not care who they sell to either. Walking into shops you see a security guard whizzing past you chasing after a shoplifter who is more than likely stealing to fund their habit. Burglaries are also generally committed by an addict wanting goods or valuables to sell on for their next fix. There is no getting away from it, drugs are everywhere, and will never be stamped out completely.

The Home Office say that they will come down on drug dealers and any addict caught in possession of illegal drugs really hard with tougher sentencing. RUBBISH! How can they with prison overcrowding being as it is? Generally, addicts get away with a short prison spell or a caution. Most get a fine, which they then go out to steal to pay off!

Some people are past help and do not want to be helped. Some have been addicted for so long that they cannot see a way back. No amount of prison sentencing or rehab or methadone will get some to stay clean. There is help available to anybody that wants it, through GP's. That is not the issue as you can only do so much for actual addicts. I'm wanting to know what we can do for the younger generation where peer pressure gets greater by the day and children look for new ways to push the boundaries further and further

The best way to prevent drug abuse from a young age is to educate the young against the dangers. I don't just mean the feeble "So no to drugs " campaign that is outdated and has been recycled over the years. Tougher, hard line education is required in schools to really get through to kids. I would be more than happy for my daughter to receive drug education at school, with shock tactics included. I have enclosed a link to the story about 21 year old Rachel Whitear, who died of a heroin overdose in 2002. The fantastic thing about this story is it has been personalised and is more likely to strike a chord with people. Her very courageous parents have allowed the publication of pictures of their daughters body to be printed for all to see, and whats more, they are allowing the pictures to be used as drug education in schools. What a fantastic idea. Most have an image of a druggie in their mind, but now this has been personalised. This is a young girl who was very young and not the stereotypical image of a druggie. If this picture reaches just one young person then it has been worth it.

What is your stance on drugs?

The following link takes you to a story written from the perspective of a heroin addict.

The following link takes you to the news story published shortly after 21 year old Rachel Whitear's death in 2002. This was as a result of heroin overdose.

Monday 24 March 2008

Announced Cigarette Display Ban

Watching the news this lunch time, I heard that the government now wishes to ban the displays that hold the cigarettes behind a shop counter. The ban, which would affect all of England, is the next move in forcing people to cut down or quit smoking. It is also an act that they hope will deter children from buying cigarettes or starting to smoke in the first place.

Outlining the proposals, Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo said it was "vital" to teach children that "smoking is bad".

Call me stupid but how is this going to deter children from smoking? Just because cigarettes are out of sight doesn't mean they are out of mind! How naive can you be? Children smoke because they are rebelling, and they are doing this 'cos they know it is bad. They smoke to look grown up. Hiding cigarettes wont deter children from smoking. To me, they will see it as a challenge. So far over the last two years, the government has banned smoking in public places, and increased the age limit on buying tobacco. It has done the usual price increase and tax increase and still, more and more people are smoking at a younger age.

I am an ex-smoker, and I only quit because I chose to. I would not have been forced into it by my parents, boyfriend, family, local shops or government. Hiding cigarettes will not have any difference whatsoever to a smoker in my eyes. If you are addicted to tobacco you will happily go into a shop and ask for cigarettes whether it be from behind or under the counter. A smoker will also brave the elements of any weather to smoke. The smoking ban that the government has thought up does not deter smokers at all. If anything, it promotes social inclusion. One of my fellow classmates told me that as a smoker he has met some great people whom he got talking to whilst being forced to smoke outside, as people cluster together and it is a more sociable affair.

The only difference this will make is expense to the shopkeeper who will have to have special cabinets made for under the counter, & further expense to the shop keeper who already has the current display cases which will now be redundant and end up in landfill. Cigarette manufacturers supply these displays to shops anyway, so surely the tobacco companies are at fault?

The only plus point that I can see is that if they are under the counter, it makes it harder for opportunist thieves to just lean over and swipe them!

What do you think? Anybody in favour of this latest government proposal? Let me know your thoughts and reasons behind them

Saturday 22 March 2008

Celebrities Behaving Badly

In the celebrity obsessed world we live in, who better to focus this blog entry on!! Everywhere you look there are celebrity scandals splashed all over magazines and newspapers. You watch big brother and there are wannabes who think they look like a celeb, or just want to get famous. Walking through town, you are faced with loads of people waiting to be discovered, or dressed up like their favourite celebrity. If you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, the answer is more often than not a footballer, a pop star, or just famous!! WHY??

People follow celebrities and some go as far as to centre their lives around them.

This module is called being bad, where we are looking at bad behaviour. The majority of the themes we are covering can be seen all over the newspapers nearly every day. The celebrities that people worship, especially children who look up to these people, are just as bad as the rest of us!!! You have premiership footballers who commit adultery (Ashley), pop stars who abuse drugs (Robbie, Pete Doherty, Amy Winehouse), multi billionaires such as Paris Hilton who is always up on driving charges, Winona Ryder who shoplifted...the list is endless!

I personally don't go in for the celebrity worship. There are certain comedians, singers or actors I like, but I don't devour every bit of information that I can about them! I was thinking of the topics we have covered so far, and amazingly, every topic we have covered has been featured quite widely in top newspapers lately.
I think a lot of bad behaviour does stem from what we learn from celebs, especially when it comes down to kids. They are very easily led and tend to look up to these people, and they do imitate their behaviour.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't got a downer on celebs at all. I think that because bad behaviour does sell papers and magazines, this is what features the most, and a lot of it is hyped up by the media to get the sales. Look through a newspaper such as the sun and see how many articles about celebs doing good things feature. A lot of celebrities do loads for charity but this doesn't get a mention. Perhaps if the media changed the way that it published these articles so freely, and maybe included some of the good things that celebs do, maybe kids wouldn't be as unruly as they are now, or trying to grow up too quickly.

Can anyone else think of any celebs that behave badly??!!

I've also got to add, the amount of bad behaviour on the soaps this week has been shocking! In Neighbours you have kids pretending to be older and then going out on a date with a teacher, who wasn't aware that the pupil was a pupil as she lied about her age!

In Home & Away you have escaped convicts, HIV, Teen Pregnancy and lying !

In Hollyoaks you have cheating, lying, teenagers beating up and mugging an adult, heroin use amongst school kids, a teenage mom who had her daughter at 14 lying to the village and saying her daughter has leukemia, and then cashing in on the money donated for her daughter!

In Eastenders, you have cheating, lying, fake marriages, and a cheating husband being buried alive!!

In Coronation Street, you have much of the same: cheating, violence......

Not that I'm much of a soap fan or anything!!!!!!!!!!! The daft thing is though, all of this bad behaviour was all in a days work for some of the soaps!!

Friday 21 March 2008

Bad Comedians

We have a class coming up called Bad Comedians. What's this one all about? Is it about offensive comedians who offend people, or is it bad as in the comedian is so rubbish that they are just not funny?

If if is about offensive comedians then bring it on 'cos I have one sick sense of humour!! The more offensive and sicker the better in my opinion and I'm not afraid to admit it!
My faves are Jo Brand and Jimmy Carr. I've only been to see Jimmy twice and he was fantastic both times. I loved Little Britain (I've put a link for you to have a look at some clips from Little Britain for those of you that don't have the box sets!!) and particularly liked Vicky, Lou & Andy and the Fat Fighters sketch!!

Crap comedians in my opinion are Victoria Wood, Ruby Wax and Catherine Tate. I cannot stand any of these three...they are so lame! I'm not going to give them too much page space though and am certainly not going to put their pictures on my blog!!

Who is your favourite comedian? Any Jimmy, Jo or Little Britain fans out there????

Thursday 20 March 2008

Being Too Religious

We have a lecture coming up about being too religious and I'm not sure what to make of it. I sit on the fence with this subject, I think. I personally do not believe in god as I believe there is way to much suffering in the world for there to be a god. I also believe that the bad go unpunished and the good suffer in the world we live in. I would never ever begrudge anybody their beliefs though and understand that some people live their lives in a good christian way.

Although I do not believe in god, I live my life in a way where I try to do the right thing and think of others.

It doesn't tend to bother me really but I don't like being preached at. It makes me feel uncomfortable to have somebody preaching their beliefs to me in a town centre. It really annoys me that I have people knocking on my front door to tell me about god. I am 26 years old and know where to find god should I feel the need! Isn't he all around us anyway?

There are also a couple of people on Home and Away at the moment called Geoff and Annie. They are very religious and I find it very uncomfortable to sit and watch them being all gushy about god! It makes me feel queasy. If people have beliefs fair enough, but I don't go up to a big believer and shove my views on god in their face so why should they do that to me? Now, Dot Branning in Eastenders is very religious but her approach is shown as more humourous and does not make me feel uncomfortable at all. She just quotes chapter and verse at the end of every sentence!

I was christened but that was my parents choice for me and not made by me. We haven't christened our daughter as we would like her to choose her faith if any. I have thought about taking my daughter to church to give her the opportunity of seeing a faith. As I say, I may not be a believer but would be willing to take my daughter to church and would always support her without prejudice whatever her beliefs.
Does anybody in our group believe in a religion/faith?

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Tattoos - Body Modification

I cannot wait for week 8's class - Tattoos. I think it will be an interesting one. I do like tattoos but sit on the fence with some things. Personally, I love to see a tattoo on a strong, muscly defined arm. I also like to see a small tattoo on the base of a spine. I'm not a fan of some tattoos though. I saw a rather large lady crouched in a shop the other day and even though I tried not to look directly, it was rather hard not to see the tattoo across her back, her huge backside and her orange thong!! There was absolutely no need for that and there was noting remotely attractive about it!

I do think that tattooing is an art though and it is very skilled and delicate work. The attention to detail is amazing and I could quite happily sit for hours studying all of the detail in some of the tattoos I've seen whilst researching the subject.

The one tattoo that always stumps me though is the teardrop tattoo. Does anybody out there know what the true meaning is? I've heard lots of stories as to what it really stands for, such as the person has spent time in prison. Some say it symbolises a life you have taken and others say it represents a loved one that was murdered. I have read In Australia, it means you're a child molester - the lowest of the low in the prison population. The tears symbolize the abuse child molesters are going to suffer at the hands of other prisoners.
In the United States, they used to be gang symbols for the number of murders committed, but now they're more often used to symbolize loved ones who died while the wearer was in prison.

The only other thing I have to say about tattoos is, although I do like the majority of them, there are some truly distasteful ones, and, in my earlier days of caring for the elderly in my first ever job, I cared for elderly tattoo bearers and they really do sag and look totally different when your skin has aged and stretched!!!

Does anyone out there know what the meaning of the teardrop tattoo is??? It is something that has always intrigued me.