Sunday 30 March 2008


What is it that turns somebody towards prostitution? I think, after reading about prostitution, the most common factor is drugs. Women, children and occasionally men prostitute themselves to fund their habit. Not only are these people putting themselves in danger of violence, sexual attacks or even murder, they are also running the risk of contracting any number of STI's or even Hepatitis or HIV.

Prostitution is known as the oldest trade in the world. It is a big money business for pimps who supply prostitutes to meet demand.

This also involves human trafficking from other countries with not only adults, but underage children too. Prostitution not only keeps drug dealers in work, but also, people trafficking is on the increase because of it.

Traffickers take advantage of people who are looking for a better life, and maybe want to flee poverty, violence or war. Traffickers offer these people the promise of a better life and a passport. They are then smuggled into the country illegally, often in poor, cramped conditions and have their passports taken away. They are then pimped out to anybody that will pay for them. I found some really shocking information whilst researching this subject and it is horrendous to think that there are sickos out there that will take advantage of people like this.

Apparently, Prostitution in itself is apparently not illegal though? Did anybody else know that?

A few years ago, the government were on about supplying class A or class B drugs to addicts to stop them from selling their bodies or stealing. There was uproar about this, and the idea was soon scrapped.

However, when you think of the danger these women and children are put in every time they meet a stranger for sex, the idea of them being given the drug in a controlled and safe place does not seem so bad. I know a lot of people will just say that the addicts should be assisted to come off the drugs instead, but some people will not and will do anything to make money to feed their habit.

In 2007, 5 prostitutes were murdered by a man called Steve Wright in Suffolk. These women were all young women with one thing in common...drugs! They were all drug addicts and had all turned to prostitution to feed their habits. These five young beautiful women are now dead. If they had been offered help to get off the drugs, or help to obtain drugs and take them in a safe environment, would they still have been alive today?

Many will scoff at the idea and will say that the world has gone mad. Class A and B drugs are readily available on the street to anyone with the money to buy them. The drugs are often mixed with other chemicals so are not always safe drugs (not that any drugs are safe but some are cut cleanly and some arn't). The addicts that rely on drugs to get them through the day shoplift, commit burglary, mug, steal and prostitute themselves to get these drugs. The government were arguing that their drug taking could be controlled, and reduced over time to eventually quit. Yes, tax payers would have paid for this but then, tax payers currently pay for the above crimes committed by addicts anyway which would dramatically reduce if addicts could get their drugs for free.

Is this a good or a bad idea? I know this will be quite controversial as a subject but I'd love to know your thoughts on the government giving drugs to addicts to decrease crime.

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