Monday 28 April 2008

Comment 6: Linda's Blog2 Blog

My response/comment on Linda J Collins's blog (Linda's Blog2) regarding the posting on Internet Dating. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

Linda asked the question of whether the Internet is a good or bad place to meet people. My answer...yes and no! I have never been on one of these sites so do not know the format apart from what I have seen on TV or heard of in newspapers, through friends or on the radio. More often than not I have seen Internet dating sites advertised as a sort of chat room. This is good for those that have difficulty making friends, are housebound, or even really shy. I suppose for some it is a link to the outside world and a way of feeling like they can belong and have no inhibitions. I don't think it is wrong to Internet date, however, there are a lot of nutcases out there so it is important not to give out too much information. I think it is always best to use your judgement and common sense in deciding whether to meet up with someone. Be prepared for the person you meet not to be like the person in the photograph! I have seen on TV that a lot of people hide behind the computer and create a fantasy land, but more often than not, the photograph and alter ego they create is nowhere near like them at all! There is a sinister side of these dating sites and chat rooms, as displayed on panorama not so long back. They can be used by paedophiles to groom young children. I think that if you ever do think that meeting up with somebody is sensible, use your head and ensure that you tell a friend where you are going and who with. That way, if you fall into trouble, somebody knows where you are. I think that the Internet has the potential to be a really useful tool...if used with caution and common sense. I don't think that it would ever be for me should I ever find myself single. I personally would rather go out and meet somebody and hope that fate bring us together...not search for someone in a chat room!

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