Friday 18 April 2008

Comment 1: Being Bad Blog

My response/comment on Claire Evans blog (Being Bad?) regarding the posting on speeding. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

I totally agree that there is no need to speed. I myself am a driver and every day is filled with more impatient people in a rush to go nowhere. I drive pretty much every day, am just turning 27 and passed my test at 17. I really used to enjoy driving when I first started 10 years ago, but no, I find it a chore. You are dicing with death every time you get in a car these days, and I have noticed the changes on the roads over the last few years.

The thing is, what reason is there to be speeding? OK, so you may be running late. Pull over and phone that person to tell them..I am sure they would understand. I'm sure that it is better to get there in one piece that to not get there at all. The government are doing OK from it as they get revenue from speed cameras, but do you realise that if a speed camera is there, there has had to have been 5 fatalities on that road to get that camera? The speed cameras are there because five fatalities have happened...this is the criteria that you have to meet before one is put up. I think that as well as being fined and having points on your licence, you should be made to meet the family of somebody that was killed by a speeder, to see the effects it has had on that family

I personally think that there is nothing worse than seeing flowers and photographs taped to lamp posts at the side of the road. It is generally because somebody was in a rush, and got killed.

Just think....don't speed. You are not only endangering your own life, but also that of other innocent drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

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