Tuesday 29 April 2008

Bad Behaviour - Benidorm!!!

I just have to do a posting on Benidorm…my absolute favourite TV programme at the moment! It is currently on the second series and is about 3 – 4 weeks into series 2 for anybody that hasn’t been watching it. It is on ITV on a Friday night at 9pm (For anyone out there that is like me…sad enough to be sat in watching telly on a Friday night!). If you haven’t seen it, please watch it…it is really funny and I just love it!

Funnily enough, following on from my last post on the abuse of electric scooters, there is a character called Madge in the show who hires a scooter every year, even though she is able bodied and has no mobility problems at all! She hires it because “She is on holiday and doesn’t see why she shouldn’t make use of the free facilities!”

The reason I mention this programme is because it covers some of the bad behaviour modules that we have looked at, and also covers one of my pet hates…mobility scooters! Plus, I just wanted to say how fabulous the show is, and promote it to all of you out there that hasn’t seen it yet!

A few examples of bad behaviour in series one was teen pregnancy, binge drinking, adul
tery, bullying, benefit fraud and swinging to name just a few! This second series is also proving quite eventful and is a definite to watch…lots of bad behaviour on offer!!! The storylines are really hilarious and I really hope that ITV keep making the show

Has anybody else watched it/been watching it? What are your thoughts?

I have enclosed a link to the website here where there is a cast list, a previews option to watch video clips, and an overview of what’s happened so far…have a read and start watching it now…its not too late to catch up! The photos on my blog page of my favourite characters in the show!

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