Friday 18 April 2008

Comment 2: Becky's Being Bad Blog

My response/comment on Rebecca J Farrs blog (Becky's Being Bad Blog) regarding the posting on religion and ethics. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

The story about Emma Gough, the Jehovahs witness that refused a blood transfusion on religious grounds and dies following the birth of her twins was tragic. As a mother, I would do anything for my daughter, and sometimes, if I imagine dying and leaving her, it really fills me with major upset, and fear for her growing up without a mother. I just couldn't do it. I'd rather go against my religious beliefs and stay with my daughter. How could Emma Gough put religion before her own children and family? It is selfish, and if that level of selfishness that religion instills in you, then I'd rather not be religious. I personally am not religious at all, but would support my daughter should she choose to follow a religion. It is sad really because Emma was only 22 years old, she was recently married, and had the world at hr feet with two beautiful children. The kids will never know their mom, and may grow up thinking that she put religion before them. How can you love your religion more than your children? I find it really difficult to comprehend this story because I'm not religious and could never imagine being so into a religion that it comes first.

I read Becky's blog and found that she broached the subject really well, and looked at it objectively. I cannot do this as I just love my daughter more than life, and couldn't imagine her growing up without a mommy!

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