Sunday 6 April 2008

Littering, Tipping, Spitting, Gum & Dog Mess!!!!

This blog entry is about my five absolute pet hates in life! I'm really gonna rant now! This is bad behaviour at its best! I will get this all over and done with in one entry so that any readers of my blog don't think that I walk round disapproving of everything! I promise that I am not one of those saddos that writes into my local papers' letters page about everything and anything!! (Although, I do read them and do get amusement from some of them!)

Why oh why do people drop litter on our streets? There are bins everywhere lately, and even if there arn't, could you not just put it in your pocket until you get home or pass a bin? Future generations will be living in a dirty world with unsafe littered streets being the norm. I know that a lot of blame lies with manufacturing companies that sell their products in unnecessary packaging but surely if we all did our bit to put things in the bin, or recycle where possible we would be fighting half of the battle? Recyclable items should be recycled. It doesn't take up much of your time to pop a tin or glass in a recycle box, rather than just tossing it in the bin, and will help reduce the massive landfill sites that we currently have on this country.

Anybody else have any views on this? If you are unsure of what is recyclable and what isn't, check the following link.

You are driving through the beautiful countryside when all of a sudden you spot a pile of somebody else's unwanted rubbish. Or you walk through the park and find an old bicycle or armchair. Fly tipping is becoming more and more common. If an item is of no use to me, I put it in my car and drive with it to my local civic amenity site. I then leave it in the correct area and drive home. Although we have a park that is nearer than the tip, I choose to keep the park exactly as it should be. OK, I understand that perhaps not everybody has a car and cannot access a tip. The council will collect certain types of rubbish from you in weekly/fortnightly collections. The local council will also drive out to collect old white goods and dispose of them on your behalf. You have charities that can regenerate your old computer and use it for disabled children. Local newspapers to advertise items for sale or free to anybody that doesn't have a lot of money. Charity shops that will send out a van to collect your items and sell them to raise money for worthy causes. The list is absolutely endless. There is no reason to tip at all. You are spoiling our beautiful landscape by doing this. Fly tipping is for the lazy and I hope that it weighs deeply on your mind whilst trying to sleep at night.

The following link details the growing problems faced because of fly tippers. What are your views on fly tipping?

I walk down the street and I play dodge the gob. It is more common than ever to see big gobfulls of spit everywhere you look. Footballers spit as they play football for 90 minutes, and I can only assume that this is where kids get it from. I find it absolutely disgusting. There is no need whatsoever to spit all over the streets. I walk through town and see so many people doing it that I think it is the new breathing. They do it without thinking and they think they look cool. isn't cool, it is disgusting and you just look like a dirty scanky slob!

Has anybody else noticed this growing epidemic? The following link is a letter to the local paper from another like minded person! I'm glad I'm not alone in this

If you arn't dodging the spit, you are dodging gum. OK, I know that most people these days chew it. I do myself, so it isn't gum I have a problem with. It is the fact that people drop it on the street, or stick it to furniture. Many a time I have to dodge gum whilst walking, or pushing my daughter in her pushchair. I hate having to come home and scrape it from my shoes or my daughters pushchair wheels. I know that you cannot put it in your pocket until you pass a bin, but if you keep the wrapper that you took the gum out of, you can wrap it in there and put it in your pocket or bag until you get to a bin? I especially hate those people that find it amusing to stick it to handrails on stairs, or furniture. That is just malicious...nobody wants to put their hand in a pile of somebody else saliva filled gum!

Does anybody wanna back me up on this?! The following link shows just what an expense gum causes to our local councils

and finally..........

If you are going to have one of these beautiful animals, is it so difficult to be responsible and clean up after it? When fetching your dogs lead to walk it, why not tuck a few carrier bags into the lead? Then put your hand in the bag, scoop, turn the bag inside out and put in a suitable bin. How difficult is that? Not very difficult at all, and saves having to dodge dog s**t as well as disease and all the flys that swarm!

Here is a link to a recent article covered by Inside out...all about dog mess!

and so, there it is! My rant at all that annoys me! I feel much better now for getting that off my chest! Any views?

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