Sunday 20 April 2008

Comment 4: Being Bad 0 Blog

My response/comment on Venessa H Balls blog (Being Bad 0) regarding the posting on Youths being bad. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

I don't think you can actually pinpoint one specific reason as to why youths go bad and turn to crime. If I were to hazard a guess, I would imagine the most popular way to lead to crime would be peer pressure. Kids show off to one another and would perhaps go further and further with pushing the boundaries to fit in or look cool. Say for instance if you speak to a kid whilst with their friends, you would maybe get a funny look or swore at, but if you were to approach that kid whilst they were on their own, you would probably get a different response. I think other things may be factors in this too, such as alcohol or drugs, but sometimes, it is merely just for acceptance. I don't think it is always the parents fault. As a parent myself, myself and my partner try to instill decency, manners and respect in our daughter, and would always hope that she grows up to be responsible, grounded and respectful of others and her surroundings. However, with all the will in the world, you cannot watch over your child all day and they can mix in the wrong circles. Some kids do have parents that do not bother with them and let them run wild, but this isn't a common thing I shouldn't think. Prosecuting the parents isn't the answer unless they are blatantly encouraging their child to behave in a particular fashion. My parents bought me up to be a decent person, but I caused them many a sleepless night, and many times they had to bring me cigarettes to the police station because I was being held overnight! My parents are decent and hardworking and did their best by me and my siblings. Most parents are ashamed and mortified by a child's bad behaviour and would do anything they can to stop it. I suppose that you just have to hope that they will grow out of it before they do any serious harm, and that they grow wise to their so called "friends" and move away from all of that. There does seem to be an epidemic lately of kids killing kids and gang shootings. This is outrageous and you cannot understand why kids are on the streets at all hours carrying weapons. I think that perhaps gangster movies, television and video games are slightly to blame as they do tend to glorify weapons. ASBO's should be scrapped because they are just laughable and are seen as badges of honour...they guarantee you acceptance in some circles, and then you have to live up to you title and continue with the behaviour that led you to getting an asbo in the first place! The justice system is also laughable, especially young offenders institutes. There is so much freedom in those places; you get a tv, games room, and are out integrating with the other offenders most of the day. It really is like a youth centre and a social networking place more than everything. Perhaps if the sentences were harsher and the young offenders place or like an adult prison, that may serve as a deterrent. Ask most kids though and you will get the same response....I wont go to prison cos I'm too young...They will let me off with a caution. Maybe harsher action is called for, and a few examples need to be made of some kids

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