Saturday 19 April 2008

Comment 3: Being a little bad blog

My response/comment on Denise Williams Blog (Being a little bad) regarding the posting on taking your own life. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

I do not agree with suicide in any instant. It is the most selfish thing anybody can do in my opinion. Somebody has to find the body hanging. Somebody has to clean up the pavement when the body hits the ground from a bridge or tower block. Somebody has to find the body of a druggie with a needle in their arm, or empty bottles of tablets all over the place. Very selfish indeed. OK, so life has got so bad that the only option seems to be suicide. There are so many institutions and helplines available if you sink to the bottom of despair. Nobody is alone in the world. We all have somebody, and leaving them is selfish. I would loose any respect I had ever had in that person if I found a friend or family member had killed themselves. It would make me realise that they never really loved me or valued my friendship if they couldn't have stayed for me or talked to me about how they were feeling. The psychological damage as well to the person that finds the body, especially hanging which I find vile, must be immense. It is OK for the dead person because their suffering is over, but the suffering and trauma for the unlucky person that discovered the body is ongoing and something you would never forget.

Denise at one point in her blog says that she finds people that can take their own life courageous? I certainly disagree. Each to their own where opinions are concerned, but I'm sure the family of the 7 teenagers in Bridgend, South Wales that killed themselves last year in a short space of time wouldn't think it a courageous act...I'm sure they would rather have alive cowards than dead courageous kids?

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