Monday 21 April 2008

Comment 5: XBeing Bad Blog

My response/comment on Linda J Tilleys blog (XBeing Bad) regarding the posting on "not quite a technophobe, but dazed and confused!!. (A link to this blog featuring the post can be found below)

I read the posting and found it great!! Don't will soon get there with the Internet/typing and all of the terminology used these days! Being a mature student and parent as well I know where you are coming from and emphasise! Stick with it though!!

Regarding cyber bullying though, that is a horrible but very real issue. With technology getting flasher by the day, there are newer ways for bullies to work. This does not only include the Internet but also mobile phones. There has been loads of items on the news lately about happy slapping too, which is where bullying is recorded on a mobile phone to show off with to others. Something definitely needs to be done about happy slapping and bullying through the Internet and mobile phones. Kids are getting more violent it seems, with gangs being seen as cool. Kids carrying weapons is a common thing. I'm frightened that kids are in the news for killing other kids, and even adults, and when prosecuted, don't even show any remorse. We seem to have a nation of deviant, bullying kids, and I for one am scared as to what this means for my daughter when she starts school, and who she may hang around with

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