Sunday 9 March 2008

Smoking - In favour or not in favour of Ban??

I thought that I would ask peoples views on the smoking ban as I know that it is a controversial subject for some!! I myself used to smoke. 40 a day at my worst point but then down to 10 a day at best. I quit on 23-01-2006 and I'm glad I did. I did used to really enjoy smoking, but quit to have my daughter and would definitely never go back. I started smoking at 13 years old mainly because all of my friends were doing it, and I was a shy kid who wanted to fit in! I continued as I actually enjoyed smoking. I'm now glad I quit because I feel much healthier, food tastes better and I can actually breathe more easily. I do not get colds, chest infections, wheezing or sore throats, which when looking back, I did get quite often but always thought I had no ill effects from smoking. I now realise what it is like for non-smokers to smell fags on their clothes, or smell fag smoke coming out of their hair when washing it, just through standing next to a smoker. I can also realise just how strong the smell of tobacco is on a person coming indoors from in the cold or damp. I never noticed any of this before, and looking back, I laugh when at school we sprayed ourselves with cans of impulse and ate polo or trebor mints to disguise the smell! We thought that we were doing a great job back then, but now I realise that you cannot mask a smokers smell!

The smoking ban to me is great as I can take my daughter out for a pub meal and not have to breathe in smoke or have it affecting her. The only downside for me with the smoking ban is, when you go to a covered shopping mall, you end up having to fight your way out of the place through the crowd of smokers that congregate right in the doorways. Even as an ex-smoker, I welcome the ban but feel that more enforcement is needed. Apparently, smokers are supposed to stand at least 15 metres away from a building when smoking but this is rarely the case. Even if I was still a smoker, I would welcome the ban as I was always conscious of other people around me then anyway. I do not begrudge anyone their hobbies and do not mind smokers at all. Most of my friends are smokers and it doesn't really bother me too much, although, I do not feel I am missing anything in giving up!

All smokers that visit my house go outside so I do not have smokers in the house, which I'm sure most will agree with anyway! Since quitting, I can honestly say I've never been tempted to go back, and am saving £35 - £40 a week which is great! My one pet hate though, even though it is up to the individual, is to see a driver or passenger smoking in the car, with the window just cracked open, but with a small child in the back in their kiddy seat. I also hate to see mothers or fathers walking along with their kid in a pushchair, with their fag balancing above the kid on the handle bar. The poor kid gets covered in ash every time their is a bump or pothole on the ground!

So, who is for it and who is against???!!

1 comment:

Pitseleh said...


Firstly thank you for the kind words for my creative writing piece I do hope yours goes well, especially for a first attempt, I really do hope you catch the bug for writing. As soon as you get your piece finished do you think you can get it posted up?

Well, I am a smoker; I kinda sit on the fence on this one. I personally think that smoking is a individuals prerogative; not that of the government. On the flipside however, the smoking ban has made smoking a more sociable activity in public areas. I’ve found that by being forced outside that I tend to socialise more with strangers, who on the majority of occasions tend to make me laugh or at least smile once in a while, and that’s not a bad thing.

The interesting observation I would like to point out is how obedient we are as a nation of people; the rate of conformity that I have observed since the ban was introduced has astonished me. It feels almost as if there wasn’t a time we could sit and draw on the smoky beast in a bar or club.

I suppose my final thought on this is; have you noticed the distinct smell of body odour that clings to our bars and clubs now the nicotine mask has been bellowed outdoors?

Peace x