Saturday 8 March 2008

Bad Cinema - Class Discussion

We watched a film called "Kids" at the Lighthouse in Wolverhampton on Thursday night. It is a film from 1995. (For those of you who haven't seen it, I've attached a link to a trailer of it that I found on the Internet whilst researching the film.)

It was part of our being bad module and included loads of bad behaviour. It involved a group of teenagers all going round getting pissed, stoned and then having sex. The sad thing is the one guy, telly, didn't realise he was HIV positive and he infected two really young girls with the disease. One of the infected girls was later raped whilst in an alcohol and drug induced sleep by telly's mate Casper.

It also involved really bad violence, stealing, bad language, really young kids witnessing sex acts and drug abuse etc, as well as young kids smoking joints!. It is sad really as, at the end of the film in the discussion, the tutor asked us if we were shocked by the film and I said no. In the cold light of day it is really shocking to think that this is just how life is now and that due to television, newspapers and life experiences this is not out of the ordinary behaviour. Obviously the HIV infection is not every day behaviour and that is shocking, but everything else is part of life these days for a lot of teen groups or even younger people.

It is saddening really as I have a young daughter and I would hate for her to fall into any trouble of lifestyle like this. I know that film was banned at one point and was hugely criticised, but if this film was to be watched in schools by teenagers perhaps this would help them realise the consequences of unprotected sex and drug/alcohol abuse?????

1 comment:

Toni said...

I fully agree with you it should be shown in schools! The film did not shock me either I think it was meant to show that if kids keep acting and not thinking this could happen to them!