Wednesday 12 March 2008

Cheats! - Infidelity

Following on from the infidelity class, I have been nosing around the Internet to find out a little more about cheats. I must admit (with both guilt and shame) that in my younger days I did cheat on one of my long-term partners, but now having grown up a little, I realise that it is pointless running around behind somebodies back. Why not just tell that person and move on without the guilt? I understand that some say it is the excitement of knowing you are cheating and haven't been caught, but I must admit, that didn't appeal to me. Some say that they don't want to hurt their partner, but it is going to hurt them more if they find out, and it would probably hurt them less in the long run if you just split with them.

One thing that really bugs me most though, is a cheater that once caught, tells their partner that they still love them. How can they if they are cheating? I'm certainly not perfect and do not wish to judge, but having been with my current partner for over 4 years now, I feel that I wouldn't ever wish to cheat, and I respect him too much to ever go behind his back anyway. I suppose once you find your perfect partner though you lose the urge to look elsewhere? I found a really great website (link below) whilst on my search. It has infidelity tests, the top ten excuses for cheating, and signs to look out for when wanting to spot a cheat! Well worth a look! The website can be great for all those out there that feel a little insecure and want to know what signs to look for, and also, great for those that want to cheat and stay one step know exactly what signs your suspecting partner will be looking for, so you can avoid displaying the signs for them to see! (Naughty, but then!.....)

I do look back now and then and feel really guilty for cheating. I have also had quite a few friends that have been cheated on and it is lousy to see someone you care for in so much pain. I sincerely hope that I never have to experience it and hope you don't either.

Anyone got any comments, or want to unburden any guilty secrets??!!!!!

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