Monday 17 March 2008

My Follow Up From My Kids Film Posting - HIV Virus

After watching the film Kids the other day (please see comment below) I said that the dvd should be shown to kids in schools to make them realise that if they are going to have sex, it must be safe sex. In that particular film two young girls contracted HIV from sleeping with their first sexual partner, so it does show that it really can happen to anyone.

I think the media is the best way to reach kids with the right messages as most kids watch TV and learn more from that than they do from their parents or at school these days. I have recently been getting back into watching Home & Away (I know...I'm sad but sometimes I just need something mundane to watch to wind down after a long day!!) and realise that there is a girl on there that is going through a similar thing.

Cassie, recently found she is pregnant, and then days later her boyfriend found he is HIV positive. She has been infected and now is 18, alone as her partner has left, pregnant and HIV positive. This programme is watched by millions of teens so although parents may not be happy with their children watching shows like this, it shows that hard and sensitive issues such as this can be tackled in a realsitic and sensitive manner and can make kids realise the dangers of unprotected sex.

In a world of increased numbers of teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, anything that can get through to kids on a level they understand and respect can only be good
Does anyone else agree with this??

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