Sunday 6 April 2008

Graffiti & Reckless Vandalism

Graffiti - Art or mess? Everywhere you look there is graffiti daubed across walls. My view? I like SOME of it! Not all of it of course! In all seriousness, I think some of it is art and looks brilliant. The expression, thought and personality that goes into some of the art that you see is fantastic. The talent of some of the artists is vast and sometimes, the art is befitting to the place and circumstances. However, messy spray painted tags, or kids that got bored and wrote their names on the wall is just ridiculous. Graffiti costs taxpayers millions each year. Some towns and cities have such a problem with graffiti that they allow it in designated areas. This is a fantastic idea, to have a wall that artists are free to paint. What are your thoughts? Art or rubbish?

Vandalism...Walking down the streets there are smashed up phone boxes and bus stops. This is all through either mindless boredom or asbo seeking idiots! Where is the fun in smashing the glass in a bus stop? As a parent to a child that wants to toddle everywhere, this is my worst nightmare. Glass everywhere, which is not only a danger to pedestrians in general but also, a massive cost to the local council to keep replacing it. I personally live in a nice area but we are prone to vandalism of late due to bored kids. In our street only last week some idiot kid painted a big white line down the side of 9 cars in the street, my partners' car being one of them. This kid has parents that resemble the family on shameless...the dregs of society that let their kids run wild whilst they run a pub and drink the profits. They have been in the area for 3 months and are under investigation by the brewery for allowing smoking in the pub, investigation by social services that are wanting to know why the 3 kids are never at school, and the police for spray painting 9 cars and kicking the mirror off 4 cars (mine being one of them). This module is called being bad. We are looking at bad behaviour. Believe me, meet this vile family and you will see it all!
We work hard for what we have and then you get some idiot that is bored or just out to cause trouble that wrecks it all. Public property is bad enough but when it is your own property, it is heartbreaking.

Have you ever been subjected to vandalism, or do you have any thoughts on it?


Li3y88 said...
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Li3y88 said...

I agree, graffiti does make the neibourhood look bad and a mess, it gives a bad reputation for the area. But i also agree that some do look good. Its what they call 'tagging' that i find look messy and unattractive, but the actual pictures, they are an art and i must admit it take talent to do that as i could not do that myself.
Fair enough walls is one thing bad, but properties such as postboxes, telephones boexes and elecrtical grey boxes is just not acceptable.
Maybe if those who have the talent to do art like that was put on a course and stop them from doing it in the streets, would this stop them?? I think the crime would fall because those who can actually do the art is getting something positive from it.