Saturday 1 March 2008

Smoking - Class Discussion

I myself used to smoke and I found it helped me feel more confident and also eased stress. However, I quit when expecting my daughter and never started again. I have also worked with the elderly and have seen the really bad affect it has on your lungs. I have witnessed people dying of lung cancer and people on oxygen with emphysema (The sad thing is the person takes a drag of oxygen from their oxygen cylinder and then proceeds to drag on a fag!!). Smoking may be seen as sexy, or cool, or indeed help you fit in or feel more confident, but think of the future effects. Take a look at the following link...if I have displayed it correctly, it should show you some pretty pictures! They may even convince you to stub out the fags and quit for good. (Either that or you will reach for a fag to get over the shock that the pictures have caused!)

1 comment:

Teleka said...

Well i am glad you quit smoking not only for your child but most importantly for yourself. I think its terrible when mothers smoke and contaminated the innocent unborn child and laugh without a care when you encourage them to stop. There are a vairety display of pictures which has cerainly put me off smoking i think i will show them to my family and friends it might do the trick to help them say no to their next drag.