Tuesday 26 February 2008

Why my blog exists & my suggested FIELD TRIP option

This blog is part of a Uni module I am doing. The module is called Being Bad and throughout the module we will be looking at bad things such as bad behaviour, smoking, masturbation, infidelity....

Once the classes have taken place we are invited to post comments on our blogs. This will be marked at the end of the semester in May and we will be graded. To obtain an 'A' grade we have to post 20 postings and receive at least 5 comments, so to all of my classmates and to all of those strangers out there, please feel free to post a related comment on my postings and help me achieve an 'A'!!!!

We have been asked to choose a related field trip...one that relates well to the module and bad behaviour. My suggestion is that we all ought to visit a local prison to see where being bad lands you in the end!!!
Brockhill prison is a suggestion. I'm sure the prisoners wont mind us all going and looking at them!!!!! We are paying taxes to keep them in there so I'm sure they wont mind us getting our moneys worth and having a good look at the way they currently live!

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